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Press-release: Announcing TheConference.Digital – Working, meeting, collaborating and conferencing online is the Future.

Press Release Zurich Switzerland March 18 2020
For immediate publication

Announcing TheConference.Digital: it's time to rethink digital events and online conferencing. TCD is a new service offered by Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard and The Futures Agency, responding to the cancellation of most major events, meetings and conferences around the globe.

The current COVID-19 emergency restrictions such as lock-downs and travel bans as well as the inevitable climate-change adaptation measures facing us in the very near future (such as carbon taxes for airline travel) are forcing the entire conference, events and speaking business to adapt. But there is huge opportunity here, as well. Read on.

How will we keep meeting, talking, learning and innovating? How can we swiftly respond to these new realities? How will we effectively and enjoyably work from home, meet remotely, join virtual conferences and collaborate digitally? The technology is getting there but so far many of us haven't really considered it. Until now.

Responding to the sudden future that presents itself so vehemently, Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard and his company, The Futures Agency, are now presenting an entirely new conference experience that can bridge the gap between attending real-life events or simply staying at home, binging on movies and online TV shows. TheConference.Digital concept is designed to meet the needs of conference planners, event managers and speaker agencies, here and now.

People will always continue to meet other people face-to-face, in real-life, pressing-the-flesh. This will not end because it is a human essential. Online events will never be a substitute for that – but I believe they can open up an entirely new way of discovery and collaboration that we didn't realize as valuable, until now. Just like streaming music ‘from the cloud' to your smart-phone is not at all the same than firing up your good old record player or cueing up the next track on a CD – yet streaming music is now a $20Billion+ industry. Failure to adapt means failure to exist.” says Gerd Leonhard, CEO, The Futures Agency

In the past, most online events and webinars have been a casual and often low-budget affair, met with little excitement by most professionals – this is about to change! It is now a certainty that more and more professionals will work remotely or from their homes in the near future. Thus, TheConference.Digital aims to provide a new, exciting and immersive environment that is conducive to human experiences, serendipity, discovery and co-creation. The goal is to offer a content and conversation-driven platform that supplements and even expands real-life experiences online, while making it infinitely easier and less costly to participate.

Whether moving online as a contingency or exploring new, custom-designed digital experiences, Gerd Leonhard's Futures Agency has the people, the content, the accumulated insights, the proven network and the technological expertise to help its clients leapfrog into state-of-the-art digital events. Digital conferencing can also add a new life to event content, as critical learnings and insights build up into a unique library of knowledge, illumination, motivation and imagination, while reducing travel and health risks, lost productivity and CO2 output.

“As we move towards a more resilient planet both ecologically and in terms of public health, digital conferencing will rapidly become the new normal.” (Gerd Leonhard, CEO)

Join us March 26, 6pm, for our Future of Business Online Conference

Join us April 2 for our Online Conference on … how to conference online!

Futurist, Author and The Futures Agency CEO Gerd Leonhard is one of the world’s most prestigious keynote speakers. The Futures Agency, based in Zürich, Switzerland, is a unique organisation designed to help businesses discover, understand and create their preferred futures. TheConference.Digital –





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