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Medium and Twitter founder Ev Williams says it all: ‘We put junk food in front of them and they eat it’

“It’s understandable why media on the web is like it is today,” Williams tells the Guardian. “That’s not to say there’s not a lot of great stuff out there, but a lot of people are dissatisfied with it. A lot of journalists who want to do great stuff are dissatisfied. Advertisers and brands are dissatisfied. We’re still stuck in some very naive thinking, with the idea that people consuming media means that’s what they want – it’s like, well, we put junk food in front of them and they ate that, so that must be what they want.””

Medium and Twitter founder: ‘We put junk food in front of them and they eat it’
via Instapaper

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After 20 Years, It’s Harder to Ignore the Digital Economy’s Dark Side – Don Tapscott nails it pretty well

“Technological utopians are being proven wrong by the facts: technology does not create prosperity, good democracy, and justice — humans do. To ensure that the digital economy fulfills its promise, we’ll need a new social contract that guarantees opportunities for full employment, protects our privacy, and enables prosperity not just for the few but for everyone.”

After 20 Years, It’s Harder to Ignore the Digital Economy’s Dark Side
via Instapaper

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