2020 Predictions About Automation And The Future Of Work (Forrester)
Here’s a good Forbes piece on Forrester’s Report Predictions 2020 (free download here).
“Over 1 million knowledge-work jobs will be replaced in 2020 by software robotics, RPA, virtual agents and chatbots, and machine-learning-based decision management. So predicts research firm Forrester in a new report published today, “Predictions 2020: Automation.” It also estimates that 331,500 net jobs will be added to the US workforce next year, human-touch jobs that require intuition, empathy, and physical and mental agility”
“Forrester highlights what it calls “the automation paradox,” predicting that after years of falling, MTTR or Mean-Time-To-Resolution (the time it takes to resolve an IT failure, for example) will increase. This is the result of automating the “low-hanging fruit,” the repetitive tasks and incidents, leaving the more complex and time-consuming problems for humans to fix”
“While many “commodity tasks” have been automated (Forrester estimates that most organizations have automated at least 20% of what the service desk has traditionally done and that some have automated up to 80%), there is still a lot of low-hanging fruit in the enterprise, waiting to be automated. The worldwide market for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) services will reach $7.7 billion next year and will grow to $12 billion in 2023, “propelled by a need to establish governance and operating models around RPA platforms,” says Forrester. The services-to-license ratio will be 3.2 to 1”

The Future of work, ethics and privacy
The Future of work and leadership
The End of Routine: Interview
Short video: the future of work and the end of routine
Short interview at DOTS2019: the future of work and jobs
Business Insider interview with Gerd Leonhard: automation, AI and jobs
My other posts on this topic
My book Technology vs Humanity (covers many angles of this issue!)