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Highlights from Generation’s Sustainability and Trends Report 2020

Generation's new report has some really powerful conclusions and stats to back them up – this is a must-read for anyone looking at near-future scenarios.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of normal life, with enormous health, economic and social costs. It has also brought home the urgency of a decisive shift to sustainability.

In Sustainability Trends Report 2020, we show that in the wake of the pandemic, many long-term trends are accelerating and some new ones are emerging. We track the implications of these new dynamics for action on the climate and inequality… Companies have a critical role to play in building back better. As in previous editions of this report, we highlight many of the exciting innovations in the world of sustainability. We examine how the world of business is contributing to the recovery and to building an inclusive, sustainable economy. We also underscore why a change in investor ethos is necessary to find a sustainable pathway out of this crisis.

The pandemic is revealing new insights into our shared sustainability challenges. The interlocking nature of our climate, ecological and social crises. The vulnerability and resilience of our societies to shocks. The depth and nature of economic and social inequalities. Our dependence on institutions and cooperation for prosperity and stability, at a time when mutual trust has collapsed. This is a profoundly difficult time for many people”. READ ON.

Below are my highlights.

I'm hopeful.
We're a facing a tremendous challenge
The key question is: HOW LONG… V W U or L?
Yep…. think AirBnB vs Salesforce;(
More inequality equals more infections: USA and Brazil win the cake
Blue AND green?
This is a growing trend no doubt
Green tech creates more jobs than oil & gas & coal
Other clear indication of how uneven this crisis hits the poor vs the well-off
Again, the rich countries are at the top (and yes, I live in Switzerland
Globally, more people die from obesity than from hunger
Yes… I can see that trend all around me!
But is all the covid coverage making a dent in this?
The highest: CHINA. The lowest: USA. No comment.
It's really all about IA (intelligent assistance) not AI.
Note: India and China lead again
I'm afraid we have to face the fact that the future is VEGETARIAN.
Talk about low-hanging fruit!
Are we heading towards a period of de-globalisation?
But… as I like to say “The End of Routine is NOT the end of jobs and human work
Exponential VUCA: get comfortable with being uncomfortable !
Nature is the antidote to tech overload. Offline is the new luxury.
Only the digital natives are getting it?
I guess the scary one comes last!
A related keynote from 2019 at WBCSD
The question is not what kind of future we can have – but what future WE WANT





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