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UPDATED: New paradigms for a new world. Video & audio from 8/7/2020 event: Gerd Leonhard & John Eyles

Welcome to the Great Transformation, accelerated by Covid19: Big Tech, Big State, Big Health, Big Green. What new paradigms are emerging?

Edited recording of our session. DOWNLOAD 720p MP4.
My keynote only (excerpt). Download all videos via GerdCloud
John's talk (excerpt)
Audio-Only Version (MP3)

John Eyles, Creator, Educator, Futureneer. Based in Waiheke / Auckland, New Zealand, John heads up multiple consulting initiatives in the areas of strategic planning, innovation, futurism, education, and healthcare.

Some of us are riding the ‘CoronaCoaster' of utter uncertainty, worries and anxiety, yet others are also experiencing moments of hope and glimpses of a newly emerging world, accelerated by the pandemic.

Covid19 feels like a giant accelerator – both for the things that were ‘good' before (working from home, ehealth, elearning, and online conferencing) as well as those that were not so good before (such as rising inequality and healthcare shortcomings).

Gerd and John believe that this crisis presents a very unique opportunity to tackle tough issues that seemed like ‘impossible missions’ before, such as climate change, inequality and the future of capitalism. After all, many of us are already getting used to emergency rules and regulations – maybe this is a good lesson for the future?

One thing is certain: We are entering an era of big tech, big media, big state & big debt, big health, and big green – and we are never ‘going back to normal’ (whatever that was).

This is truly a unique pivot point in human history, where deep paradigm changes can occur and our future can be re-designed. Can we seize this moment and ensure that these humble beginnings become the new normal, so that we can build a better future together..?

Taking a wider view, Gerd and John explore a wide range of near-future issues such as climate change, inequality, the future of capitalism and how to harness the current momentum for solidarity and collaboration across our societies. In addition, Gerd and John will comment on technology regulation, data security, surveillance and digital ethics.

NEW: RELATED RESOURCES / Things to read prior to our event

2040 Regeneration –  A documentary of hope
World Economic Forum – Article. Covid and Climate
World Economic Forum – Article. Reinvent capitalism  

Geneva Environment Network – Resources

Guardian: The Future hangs in balance

UN – Article. Tackling inequality.

McKinsey – Insight. The next normal

BrandZ – 2020 top 100 brands report 

Capitalism After the Coronavirus

From Globalization to Regionalization 

How the Coronavirus Will Reshape World Trade 

World Economic Forum – The Great Reset 

Welcome to The Great Transformation: How Covid-19 changed our world – Futurist Gerd Leonhard looks back from the near Future 

Will Covid-19 Have a Lasting Impact on Globalization?

Six Months on a Planet in Crisis: Greta Thunberg’s Travel Diary from the U.S. to Davos

Coronavirus and capitalism: How will the virus change the way the world works? 

Pandemic crisis: Global economic recovery tracker 

The Covid-19 crisis is a chance to do capitalism differently 





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