This will be a very special GerdTalks show with guest Bill Halal (GWU Professor Emeritus, Techcast, Author) on the coming era of Global Consciousness, and the concept of human work moving beyond knowledge. Sign up via Eventbrite (it's free)
I met Bill Halal a while ago, via the Millennium Project mailing list (run by Jerome Glenn), and was baffled how much Bill's views and foresights overlap with mine, and how much his book aligns with mine (Technology vs Humanity). I started reading ‘Beyond Knowledge‘ right afterwards, and again, I must have taken over 100 notes (so far – see here and below). The basic idea is that smart machines (AI) are now developing a kind of ‘knowledge' and that humans can and must move beyond the routines up the food-chain of work, towards human-only tasks, i.e. anything that requires human agency and consciousness.
While I speak about The Good Future and the coming shift towards People Planet Purpose & Prosperity, Bill talks about evidence and examples of an emerging “global consciousness” now driving the world to grow up, resolve this global crisis and develop a sustainable world order – or perish.
This show is certain to be very special and should deliver some deep insights! Please spread the word.
Live on Youtube: be sure to hit the “Notify Me” bell 😉
Beyond Knowledge Lies the Triumph of Human Spirit (Bill Halal)
The Knowledge Age is passing as smartphones, social media, and artificial intelligence automate knowledge. Knowledge is still crucial, but the digital revolution is driving the world beyond knowledge into a new frontier governed by emotions, values, beliefs and higher-order thought. An Age of Consciousness is here, though it’s dominated by post-factual nonsense, climate deniers, political gridlock and other types of confusion that pose an existential crisis. In this short talk Bill provides evidence showing how a “global consciousness” is urging us to grow up, meet this historic challenge, and develop a sustainable civilization – or face disaster. With foresight, hard work, and a little luck, we could see the triumph of human spirit, once again.
Here are some quotes I snipped from Bill's book:
About Bill:
William E. Halal PhD is professor emeritus of management, technology, and innovation at George Washington University, with degrees from Purdue and UC Berkeley. He has published 7 books and hundreds of articles, consults to corporations and governments, and is a frequent speaker, once substituting for Peter Drucker. Halal is founder of The TechCast Project and also co-founded the Institute for Knowledge & Innovation. Bill was cited by the Encyclopedia of the Future as one of the top 100 futurists in the world.
Bill Halal on the Alan Friedmann Show (Podcast)
Bill will present for approx. 10-12 minutes, followed by Gerd for approx. 5-8 minutes. Afterwards, we will take live questions via LinkedIn and YT. The event will be live-streamed via LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitch/Twitter and many other platform as well as on Gerd's website here