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New: Futurist Friday Podcast Interview with Gerd Leonhard: TheGoodFuture?

Over the course of the summer of 2022, DonMacPherson and 12 Geniuses are releasing 12 interviews with futurists and forward thinkers in order to help their global audience of leaders become better visionaries for their organizations and be more prepared for the uncertain future.

In this episode, Gerd Leonhard joins the show. First, he points out that “the future is already here, we just haven’t paid enough attention to it.” He talks about how technology is promising to make us superhuman, that we are in the biggest shift era in recent history as far as energy and climate is concerned, and that machines and artificial intelligence are starting to emulate humanity.

In addition to sharing how he does his research to better understand the future, Gerd suggests that leaders spend an hour a day focusing on the future. He also shares his thoughts on healthcare, longevity, and the convergence of technology and biology.

“I think we are going to see a great fight between people who are technological optimists and people who are ‘humanists,’ like me, who are saying ‘it is neither fair or a good idea to make that (Transhumanism) the new standard.” Gerd Leonhard in “Futurist Friday with Gerd Leonhard” talking about the idea of “Transhumanism” and the merging of technology with biology.

Resources From This Episode

Books and resources Gerd mentioned in this episode: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates, Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control by Stuart Russell, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Gerd’s recommended reading list.

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