New: Try my AI Bot new film

Meet me at the IEEE Global Conference on AI and the IoT 2020 Dec 12-16 in Dubai (virtually)

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Redefining Digital Transformation for a with/post-covid world: the next 10 years

The ongoing covid-19 crisis represents a tremendous challenge as well as a unique opportunity for change. We are entering an era of Great Transformation (the WEF calls it ‘the great reset'), and we must proceed with foresight and practical wisdom. In 2020, ‘Big Tech' emerged as a clear winner: the past 9 months have resulted in more ‘digital transformation' than the entire 5 years before. Now it is time to take the next step and go beyond the mere pursuit of efficiency, optimization, automation and cost reduction, and to look at how technology can truly empower human resilience, agility and creativity, as we are heading into the most important decade in human history. What will the role of AI and the IoT be, in that larger context? 





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