“Bottom line: It’s not magic. It’s just the right learning processNow, we can begin to understand how Musk has become a world-class expert-generalist:He spent many...
El mito de una IA sobrehumana: Kevin Kelly lo explica bien
“The assumptions behind a superhuman intelligence arising soon are:Artificial intelligence is already getting smarter than us, at an exponential rate.We’ll make AIs into a general...
Abr 2017
La habilidad crucial que le falta a nuestro sistema educativo
“The answer is precisely that element which makes us less efficient and slower. Our humanity. But rather than being seen as a weakness, this is...
Abr 2017
Mis recientes presentaciones en Grecia: Sargia Exponential Leadership Event, y CEO Clubs Event Athens April 26/27
UPDATED CEO Clubs Event slide-deck: technology, humanity, the future of humanity.. and Greece: PDF 15MB: CEO Clubs Greece Technology Humanity The Future Public lowres 2. Leadership...
Abr 2017
Los smartphones son los nuevos cigarrillos (vía Mark Manson)
“I would say that our ability to focus and hone our attention on what we need is a core component of living a happy, healthy...
Abr 2017
Los planes de Facebook para aumentar la realidad son tan distópicos como inteligentes (vía TheVerge)
“Facebook didn’t shy away from the marketing opportunities AR provides. In fact, it embraced the idea that you could hover your viewfinder over a restaurant...
Abr 2017
Inteligencia artificial, máquinas pensantes y el futuro de la humanidad - nuevo vídeo de mi discurso de apertura en el Accenture CIO Forum de Hong Kong
This just arrived 🙂 Thanks to Accenture Hong Kong for inviting me, and for making this video available. More about the event here. Download the...
Abr 2017
Nuevo vídeo: Accenture CIO Summit Hong Kong: vídeo de la mesa redonda sobre Inteligencia Artificial
https://youtu.be/CyiiY_twvWg More details here ... Leer más
Abr 2017
Hay un gran problema con la IA: ni siquiera sus creadores pueden explicar cómo funciona (MIT technology Review - lectura obligada)
“This raises mind-boggling questions. As the technology advances, we might soon cross some threshold beyond which using AI requires a leap of faith. Sure, we...
Abr 2017
Nadie está preparado para detener el ataque de los robots. ¿Qué haremos cuando llegue? (QZ.com)
“Can we do nothing to stop or even slow what seems a mechanized approximation of an army of marching Huns? But wait. In much of...
Abr 2017
...el ataque de los robots. Excelente lectura en Quartz
“Advances in supercomputers and the understanding of neural networks are combining to create a revolution in robotics, and companies eager for more profitability and cheaper...
Abr 2017
Presentación magistral compartida: IA, máquinas pensantes y el futuro de la humanidad (Futurista Gerd)
I am trying out a new feature of Apple Keynote – shared public presentations (download for Apple Keynote users only). All images and the file...
Abr 2017
Lo que Google y Facebook deben hacer ante uno de sus mayores problemas - Vivek Wadhwa
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Social media was developed with the promise of spreading democracy, community and freedom, not ignorance, bigotry and hatred....
Abr 2017
Cómo la tecnología no ha conseguido mejorar la experiencia en las aerolíneas - brillante resumen
“Everything about United Flight 3411 — overselling, underpaying for seats when they are oversold, a cultish refusal to offer immediate contrition, an overall attitude that...
Abr 2017
"La música confunde a las máquinas" gran discurso de Tbone Walker
“The first nuclear weapon was detonated on the morning of July 16, 1945, at 5:29 and 45 seconds.At that moment, technocrats took control of our...
Abr 2017
Peligros y retos del Internet de los objetos: puntos cruciales de Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier is one of the most brilliant thinkers when it's about security and technology, in general. His recent piece ‘Click here to kill everyone'...
Abr 2017
Por qué el IoT dará lugar a la inteligencia artificial (buena lectura vía Forbes )
“Chatbots have received some attention recently, as several large companies have announced progress in their development. The ultimate goal is for these to replace all...
Abr 2017
I.A. frente a D.M.: saber cómo frente a saber que (una distinción clave)
“In 1945, the British philosopher Gilbert Ryle gave an influential lecture about two kinds of knowledge. A child knows that a bicycle has two wheels,...