I am very fortunate to be part of a group of 62 leading futurists that compiled their ideas and visions in the amazing ‘The Future of Business'...
Mon discours à TechData 2015 : la transformation numérique (en allemand)
… just went online. More details here (note: this video is in German) ... Lire plus
Oct. 2015
Quelques-unes de mes diapositives et images clés sur l'éthique numérique (Futuriste Gerd Leonhard)
More here ...
Oct. 2015
L'âge de l'amour, du sexe et des robots : Podcast TechRepublic, épisode 15 - TechRepublic
“TechRepublic recently wrote about an academic conference on 'Love and Sex with Robots' being declared illegal, which brings up lots of larger ethical questions about...
Oct. 2015
Le Pentagone s'efforce de construire un robot tueur
“The defense program DARPA is working to create an artificial brain—but what will it mean for humanity if it succeeds?”Which raises at least one technical...
Oct. 2015
Google s'appuie de plus en plus sur l'intelligence artificielle pour améliorer les résultats de recherche : le RankBrain est là
“Corrado says RankBrain is different from the “hundreds” of signals and technologies that contribute to Google’s Search algorithms in that it actually learns and improves over...
Oct. 2015
Diapositives et vidéo : Gerd Leonhard à l'Open Innovations Forum 2015, Moscou : l'avenir de l'humanité dans un monde de technologies exponentielles
Automation and robotization of technology, new materials, 3D printing, modern engineering, digital technology and artifical intelligence change not only industrial and business models, but also...
Oct. 2015
L'informatique cognitive dans la nouvelle ère de la découverte - À propos d'IBM Watson
“At the same time, Watson Discovery Advisor will incorporate Watson question-answering capabilities, optimized for discovery. After people create new insights, they can engage in dialogues...
Oct. 2015
Quelques extraits de mes récentes conférences : les humarithmes, la pensée mécanique, la sagesse pratique, etc.
Here are some of the most popular memes and concepts that I have presented during some of my recent keynotes. Please comment and share this post if you like...
Oct. 2015
Points clés sur la technologie et l'intimité
“To quote from Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, ‘cognition is embodied; you think with your body, not only with your...
Oct. 2015
Les voitures autonomes se dotent d'un code d'éthique | MIT Technology Review
“Ethics, philosophy, law: all of these assumptions underpin so many decisions,” he says. “If you look at airbags, for example, inherent in that technology is...
Oct. 2015
Glowforge - une imprimante laser 3D assez étonnante (Vidéo)
This video will give you a glimpse of the future of manufacturing :). Found via Peter Diamandis‘ newsletter ... Lire plus
Oct. 2015
Ma présentation à BMT 2015 à Bienne en Suisse : l'avenir du marketing (en ALLEMAND)
Event details Low res PDF:Zukunft des Marketing 2020 FuturistGerd BMT Public-web 10MB High res via dropbox ... Lire plus
Oct. 2015
La transformation numérique des entreprises et de la société : nouvelle vidéo de la Keynote complète de Gerd Leonhard à Hello World Orange Business Event Lago Maggiore
Thanks to Orange Business for providing this nicely recorded video! Also read Gerd at Orange Business (download the slides, too) ... Lire plus
Oct. 2015
Regardez cette vidéo : L'avenir de l'informatique cognitive par John Kelly, Senior Vice President, Solutions Portfolio & Research, IBM
…. made me think, a lot ! I don't agree with everything he says but this is definitely worth watching…. PS: IBM is a client...
Oct. 2015
Classement mondial très intéressant des influenceurs futuristes basé sur Twitter, Alexa etc - via Ross Dawson. Je suis ravi d'en faire partie.
Nice to be part of this, among so many esteemed friends, colleagues, influencers and people I admire:). Thanks Ross! Futurist Influence Rankings from Ross Dawson...
Oct. 2015
Les diapositives de ma présentation au Techdata Kongress 2015 à Munich, aujourd'hui (en allemand).
Please visit my German site for more details. ... Lire plus