Read Umair's piece here – some pretty hard-hitting observations here! A chat app bought for one fifth of the US educational budget. An Uber for dog-walkers....
À lire absolument : le problème à venir de nos iPhones plus intelligents que nous
The Coming Problem of Our iPhones Being More Intelligent Than Us (via Instapaper) by Vivek Wadhwa Kurzweil, a renowned futurist and the director of...
Avr 2015
A Sucker Is Optimized Every Minute - pourquoi l'optimisation totale n'est pas... optimale (bonne lecture via NYT)
The gut is dead. Long live the data, turned out day and night by our myriad computers and smart devices. Not that we trust the...
Mars 2015
Votre avocat pourrait bientôt être un algorithme ... (mais qu'est-ce que ... bientôt ?)
“AI making legal decisions is a compelling idea. Not only is it more efficient, but couldn’t it somehow be more just to place decisions in...
Mars 2015
Attention à la montée de l'oligarchie numérique (bonne lecture via le Guardian)
“Our personal data reflects our interests, our desires: it is a digital extension of our soul. By giving it away so freely to social networks,...
Mars 2015
Nouveau thème d'intervention : la transformation numérique dans les télécommunications et les TIC
As some of you may know, I have always done quite a bit of work in telecom, mobile and ICT but am now getting a...
septembre 2014
Saviez-vous que vous étiez diabétique ? It's All Over the Internet (lecture intéressante via Bloomberg)
This is a good read on a topic I have been looking at very closely – which personal information can be used online for what...
septembre 2014
Un article intéressant du NYT sur l'économie du partage : Les travailleurs trouvent à la fois la liberté et l'incertitude ?
A really interesting post presenting some of the key issues behind the rise of ‘sharing economy' leaders such as Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit and AirBnB. Some...
Août 2014
This is your brain on mobile (via Medium) : l'obsession de l'éternisation de l'instant ?
This is a MUST-READ piece This is your brain on mobile — Medium by Jeremy Vandehey. Best snippets: As a human being, many of these triumphs...
Mai 2014
La transition vers l'énergie propre est inéluctable, alors pourquoi la combattre (article indispensable de Chris Nelder)
Just ran across this interesting piece by energy analyst Chris Nelder, in the Huffington Post More about Chris The clean energy transition is unstoppable, so...
Avr 2014
How You, I, and Everyone Got the Top 1% All Wrong (excellent article sur l'inégalité par Derek Thompson)
Another great ‘penny-drop' piece by Derek Thompson / TheAtlantic. Really made me think about inequality and how dramatic it has become in the U.S., particularly...
Avr 2014
Révolte contre le soulèvement des robots ? La clé pour vaincre les robots - dans les films et dans la vie réelle - est de faire ce qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire (via
Why You Should Revolt Against the ‘Robot Uprising' According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the manufacturing industry lost 2.3 million jobs in the most...
Mars 2014
Le Big Data n'est qu'une vaste escroquerie ?
Made me think! Big Data Is Just a Big Scam,2817,2455435,00.asp This all harkens back to a comment made by a former CEO of American...
Mars 2014
L'économie du futur : Beaucoup perdront leur emploi au profit des ordinateurs (via USAToday)
The future of work and jobs is quickly becoming a major theme in my work this year. Read this piece below for context. Future economy:...
Mars 2014
Et si la croissance économique n'était plus possible au 21e siècle (bonne lecture via
This post is spot-on and brings up some key questions. Be sure to read the whole thing. What if economic growth is no longer possible...
Mars 2014
The Pointlessness of Unplugging : The New Yorker (bonne lecture en rapport avec mon thème sur l'obésité numérique)
Interesting point below; yet I think of unplugging more like scheduling a diet – just having a few days where you eat less, and get...
Mars 2014
Airbnb ne possède même pas de lit, mais ses promoteurs pensent qu'il a plus de valeur que Hyatt - Quartz
Pretty amazing – digital economics and hyper-efficiency at work;) Airbnb, the website emblematic of the “sharing economy” that matches up travelers online with people looking to...
Mars 2014
Vue de mon "lieu de travail" temporaire à São Paulo
Video Sao Paulo on a sunny day— HUGE CITY.MOV Spending a day here for the NextNow in Sao Paulo ... Lire plus