Personally, I would offer the explanation that most of my work is about this old Poincare quote: “Logic proves Intuition discovers”… But here are my fav...
La discussion byzantine et sinueuse sur l'avenir de l'internet (lecture recommandée)
“Last week, nearly 3,500 people met in London to discuss management of the internet. Yet judging from the media coverage, it was less newsworthy than...
Juil 2014
10 innovations de rupture qui façonneront le monde en 2025 (lecture recommandée)
“What world-changing scientific discoveries might we see by 2025? Will we have more energy technologies that move us away from fossil fuels? Will there be...
Juil 2014
ProtonMail : un nouveau fournisseur suisse de messagerie sécurisée (la Suisse se réveille-t-elle à l'idée du "nuage suisse sécurisé" ?)
I have been talking about this huge opportunity for Switzerland ever since the ‘summer of Snowden', and finally we are seeing some action on this....
Juin 2014
Bill Gates : L'interview de Rolling Stone (lecture recommandée)
“At 58, Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, with a fortune that now exceeds $76 billion, but he may also...
Juin 2014
Comment vos machines deviennent plus intelligentes (bonne infographie via Mashable)
Nice infographic “Years ago people thought we would be living like The Jetsons by now. We may not be as technologically advanced as once thought,...
Juin 2014
Stepping Out : un rapport sur Fitbit, via The New Yorker (lecture recommandée)
I was travelling myself when I got my Fitbit, and because the tingle feels so good, not just as a sensation but also as a...
Juin 2014
The Disruption Machine (lecture recommandée par Jill Lepore, The New Yorker)
Great read about disruption and some insightful comments on Christensen's ‘The Innovators Dilemma'. I don't agree with all of it but it's worth pondering. In...
Juin 2014
Nest, filiale de Google, achète Dropcam pour $555 millions d'euros (lecture recommandée)
“Dropcam, the popular home monitoring camera startup, will be acquired by Nest, maker of smart thermostats and smoke detectors. The deal is worth $555 million...
Juin 2014
La biologie du risque (lecture recommandée)
“SIX years after the financial meltdown there is once again talk about market bubbles. Are stocks succumbing to exuberance? Is real estate? We thought we...
Juin 2014
Le secret de la créativité, de l'intelligence et de la pensée scientifique (lecture recommandée)
“Research shows that creativity and intelligence are linked with the physical connections in our brains. Here's how to connect the dots. The image is from...