“Kate Crawford, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, called on the industry to add ethics to the professional training of engineers. “We need to start...
La publicité ne peut pas maintenir l'Internet. Voici la solution "sauce secrète". Via Evonomics et David Brin
“Andrew Keene asserts in The Internet is not the Answer, our vaunted digital connections aren’t serving average folk. His complaint can be summarized:1. Security flaws...
Mai 2016
Diapositives de ma présentation à l'événement SVIR d'aujourd'hui à Baden
is now available on my German site ... Lire plus
Mai 2016
Nouvelle présentation Slideshare : la transformation numérique de la société et des entreprises (compilation)
The digital transformation of society and business: 2020. Futurist keynote speaker Gerd Leonhard (compilation) from Gerd Leonhard Download the PDF: Digital transformation future 2020 keynote...
Mai 2016
Ma présentation à Innotown 2016 à Alesund : les 5 prochaines années en matière de technologie et d'innovation
Here is the PDF from the pretty amazing Innotown conference in Norway Next 5 years in technology innovation gerd leonhard Innotown 2016 alesund-web PDF 11...
Mai 2016
Le PDG de Google prédit la fin des ordinateurs en tant qu'appareils - à lire absolument !
“Looking to the future, the next big step will be for the very concept of the "device" to fade away. Over time, the computer itself—whatever...
Mai 2016
Vidéo et diapositives : mon intervention sur la transformation numérique, les opportunités et les défis de 2020 (Deutsche Bank Transaction Bankers Forum 2016 à Francfort)
Below is the complete video with my keynote -thanks to Deutsche Bank for making this available ! Download the slides (10MB pdf) DB Transaction Bankers Forum...
Mai 2016
Le libre arbitre n'existe pas - une histoire passionnante, voire troublante, via TheAtlantic
“In recent decades, research on the inner workings of the brain has helped to resolve the nature-nurture debate—and has dealt a further blow to the...
Mai 2016
Bon exposé sur l'essor des robots, l'automatisation et l'avenir du travail (Martin Ford)
https://youtu.be/ym3F3c9z6Wo Be sure to read his book as well! What are the jobs of the future? How many will there be? And who will have...
Mai 2016
Le cerveau mondial arrive : Google lance une nouvelle IA dans le nuage (vidéos). Hellven est certain !
Watch this video to get a glimpse of what's coming: search-as-we-know-it is dead or dying (ETA within 5 years), apps are becoming yesterday's way to interact...
Mai 2016
Les startups de l'IA réinventent les médias (excellent article de Wired)
“Last year, Associated Press announced that the majority of its earnings reports will eventually be written with AI-enabled software. While the company argues it will...
Mai 2016
Voici la présentation avec mes diapositives de Google Atmosphere à Santiago du Chili, aujourd'hui.
Nice to be in Chile, finally! Here is my deck, as promised:) Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK-web PDF...
Mai 2016
Dans la culture populaire, le futur est presque maintenant - bon point sur les films de science-fiction
“Many new works of science fiction seem to represent a strain of pre-apocalyptic cinema, characterized by a willingness to dramatize disasters that are less hypothetical...
Mai 2016
Après trois semaines en Chine, il est clair que Pékin est le seul véritable concurrent de la Silicon Valley.
“In China, there is a company work culture at startups that's called 9/9/6. It means that regular work hours for most employees are from 9...
Mai 2016
Bonne lecture sur l'IA, l'emploi et le revenu de base garanti
great piece on Motherboard/Vice — check out the graph below: hairdressers and animal trainers are safe! A sharp uptake in technology designed to automate jobs...
Mai 2016
Vidéo et diapositives de ma présentation à PING Helsinki : l'avenir du contenu, de la technologie et de l'humanité (mise à jour)
This was a fantastic event at a fantastic location (Langvik near Helsinki) Event site PING Helsinki Future Content Technology Humanity Gerd Leonhard Public-web low res...
Mai 2016
Changement exponentiel" : Regardez le court métrage populaire du futurologue Gerd Leonhard sur le changement exponentiel et la transformation numérique.
UPDATED August 21, 2019 As part of my ongoing collaboration with Jean Francois Cardella (my Art Director and Producer) we have been busy producing some...
Mai 2016
Un nouvel assistant numérique intelligent plutôt étonnant : VIV (vidéo de TC Disrupt NY). Le cerveau mondial ??
Watch this. The Global Brain. Conversational Commerce. ... Lire plus