This is a special Gerd Talks show with guest Bill Halal (GWU, Techcast, Author) on the coming era of Global Consciousness and Bill's latest book...
Si vous travaillez comme un robot, un robot prendra votre travail ! GerdTalks#4 : émission en direct sur l'avenir du travail, le 7 mars
In this live episode of Gerdtalks, I will first offer a 15 minute presentation on the future of work, showing some brand-new memes, and then...
Fév 2022
Une bonne lecture de Forbes sur l'avenir du travail (par Rawn Shah), 2 illustrations parfaites de notre futur
We stand at a precipice of disruption to the basic socio-economic compact between citizens and the (public and private) institutions of our society. There are...
Juin 2015
L'avenir du travail et de l'emploi : un bref aperçu des questions clés, des illustrations, des statistiques et des vidéos
The future of work and jobs has become a major topic for me. It is abundantly clear that the exponential digitisation, optimization, automation, virtualisation and...
Avr 2015
▶ Message de Nicholas Negroponte aux jeunes diplômés - YouTube
▶ A Message to Recent Graduates, from Nicholas Negroponte – YouTube. Nice message ! ... Lire plus
Juin 2014
Votre emploi est-il menacé par le travail des robots ? Consultez cette illustration interactive pratique (via
Nice interactive chart. Vizuality at it's best (using Kevin Kelly's spelling) via Is your job at risk from robot labor? Check this handy interactive –...
Juin 2014
Révolte contre le soulèvement des robots ? La clé pour vaincre les robots - dans les films et dans la vie réelle - est de faire ce qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire (via
Why You Should Revolt Against the ‘Robot Uprising' According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the manufacturing industry lost 2.3 million jobs in the most...
Mars 2014
L'économie du futur : Beaucoup perdront leur emploi au profit des ordinateurs (via USAToday)
The future of work and jobs is quickly becoming a major theme in my work this year. Read this piece below for context. Future economy:...
Mars 2014
Quels emplois les robots prendront-ils ? Excellent article de Derek Thompson - The Atlantic
Whatever name you prefer, some form of it has been stoking progress and killing jobs—from seamstresses to paralegals—for centuries. But this time is different: Nearly...
Fév 2014
L'automatisation et la menace qui pèse sur l'emploi -
Insightful piece. In my view, automation is inevitable and humans must focus on what sets us apart ie ingenuity, creativity, ability to deal with ambiguity...
Fév 2014
Les emplois du futur (best of : diaporama "Sparks and Honey")
I just ran across this new slide-deck by the pretty amazing sparks and honey people; below are the best new job titles from this deck....
Fév 2014
Quels emplois les robots prendront-ils ? Article incontournable de Derek Thompson - The Atlantic
It is an invisible force that goes by many names. Computerization. Automation. Artificial intelligence. Technology. Innovation. And, everyone's favorite,ROBOTS. Whatever name you prefer, some form of...
Janvier 2014
L'avenir du travail : la technologie automatise rapidement tous les emplois qui ont une composante mécanique (mon article invité sur Economic Times India)
… just went live here. Download the PDF: economic times india gerd leonhard future of work or read more, below. “The concept of ‘work' has been...
Janvier 2014
Bonne lecture : comment la technologie détruit les emplois | MIT Technology Review
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs | MIT Technology Review. ... Lire plus