Read it all here (and / or sign up:)) Greetings everyone, Greetings from Switzerland. First, my new 2016 show-reel is now online on Youtube and on my site. It’s a 3-minute-15-seconds...
Voici mon tout nouveau show-reel 2016 : 3 minutes 15 secondes sur ce que je fais et comment je le fais (Gerd Leonhard, conférencier futuriste)
This is huge !!!! A big thanks to my brilliant art director and producer Jean Francois Cardella. Finally, here is an easy way to understand...
Mars 2016
Au cœur de la révolution de l'intelligence artificielle : Un rapport spécial, partie 1
“Artificial intelligence may well help solve the most complex problems humankind faces, like curing cancer and climate change – but in the near term, it...
Mars 2016
Après 20 ans, il est plus difficile d'ignorer le côté obscur de l'économie numérique - Don Tapscott le souligne assez bien
“Technological utopians are being proven wrong by the facts: technology does not create prosperity, good democracy, and justice — humans do. To ensure that the...
Mars 2016
Tout ce que vous savez sur l'intelligence artificielle est faux (bonne lecture de gizmodo)
“NYU research psychologist Gary Marcus has said that “virtually everyone” who works in AI believes that machines will eventually overtake us: “The only real difference...
Mars 2016
Le point de vue du Guardian sur les robots et l'humanité : le passage à l'acte
“There are uncountable things that only a human can do, and that no computer seems close to. The problem is that the purely human things...
Mars 2016
Un retour en arrière en 2007 : le DVD complet des FutureTalks est désormais en ligne : Glen Hiemstra, Ralph Simon et Gerd Leonhard discutent des grandes tendances de l'avenir.
This is the complete 3 hours 30 minutes DVD edition of our 2007 Futuretalks sessions, moderated by Ralph Simon, with my futurist colleague Glen Hiemstra , discussing...
Mars 2016
Google, le diseur de bonne aventure : Les secrets du capitalisme de surveillance
Absolutely a key point !!“When we eliminate uncertainty, we forfeit the human replenishment that attaches to the challenge of asserting predictability in the face of...
Mars 2016
Apple contre le FBI : La partie émergée de l'iceberg : les lois n'arrivent pas à suivre le rythme de la technologie
“This is a prelude of things to come, not only with encryption technologies, but everything from artificial intelligence to drones, robotics, and synthetic biology. Technology...
Mars 2016
Oubliez le combat d'Apple contre le FBI : la catastrophe en matière de protection de la vie privée ne fait que commencer (Cory Doctorow)
Cory Doctorow nails it -- I couldn't agree more !'Painting the pro-privacy side as out-of-step loonies, tinfoil-hatted throwbacks in the post-privacy era was a cheap...
Mars 2016
Ma dernière lettre d'information vient d'être publiée : numéro #5 sur l'IA, l'humanité, les villes intelligentes, la robotique et plus encore.
Read it here MARCH 4 – ISSUE #5 Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard Futurist / Nowist, Global Keynote Speaker, Author, Host of The Future Show,...
Mars 2016
Et si nous n'avions pas besoin de publicité ? Via Medium
“In the past we put up with being annoyed and yelled at by advertising. And now we’re putting up with being spied on and guessed...