From Doom & Gloom to Optimism & Hope, by William E. Halal, (PhD); The TechCast Project and George Washington University. Bill is a like-minded thinker,...
Livre incontournable de Rutger Bregman : Humankind - A Hopeful History (quelques extraits)
I am currently a really important book called HumanKind by Rutger Bregman that addresses an essential question I have debated with many people for a...
Janvier 2021
Dix leçons pour un monde post-pandémique : le nouveau livre de Fareed Zakaria, de CNN, est à lire absolument.
"America will always disappoint its most ardent detractors—and admirers. It’s a big, complicated place, and you can always find in it what you want. But...
Oct 2020
Notes du futurologue Gerd Leonhard sur le nouveau livre puissant de Stuart Russell sur l'IA : Human Compatible
Notes du futurologue Gerd Leonhard sur le nouveau livre puissant de Stuart Russell sur l'IA : Human Compatible
Janvier 2020
Quand Tim Cook dit non au FBI (nouveau livre de Leander Kahney)
A new book about Tim Cook is out: Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level and the author Leander Kahney shared an extract...
Avr 2019
Un rapport sur l'avenir à lire absolument : Tendances technologiques 2019 par Amy Webb
Are you also feeling a bit disoriented when you hear any of the following terms: Ambient tracking, Bounty Programs, Solar Highways, 5D Printing, Digital Frailty,...
Avr 2019
Un philosophe affirme qu'une IA ne peut pas être un artiste (Sean Dorrance Kelly) #manmachine
Sean Dorrance Kelly is a philosophy professor at Harvard and coauthor of the New York Times best-selling book All Things Shining. In this lengthy but...
Fév 2019
Extrait gratuit du livre 'Navigating the digital age' de PaloAltoNetworks : L'éthique de la technologie et l'avenir de l'humanité
I'm very excited about my contribution to this amazing new book that was just published by Palo Alto Networks, entitled ‘Navigating the digital age' (yes,...
Oct. 2018
Nouveau podcast : conversation audio passionnante avec les futurologues Calum Chace et Gerd Leonhard : L'IA, la singularité, l'avenir des humains et des machines
Calum Chace and me don't agree on many issues – I'm a humanist and Calum is a science fiction writer and AI advocate. Having said...
Mai 2018
Nouveau podcast : une conversation avec Tim Leberecht (The Business Romantic) et Gerd Leonhard (Technology vs Humanity)
I just recently discovered Tim Leberecht's work on Ted and on Youtube, and am currently reading his book ‘The Business Romantic.' Similar to fellow futurist Richard...
Déc 2016
Un bon clip vidéo sur la façon dont "L'IA créera une "classe inutile" d'humains, prédit l'historien à succès Yuval Noah Harari". Read more ... Lire plus
Oct. 2016
Les humains auront l'avantage sur les robots lorsque le travail exige de la créativité (selon Tim Dunlop) via TheGuardian
As I said, the point of capitalism is to destroy jobs, not create them.The second big change is post-industrialisation. Wealth is being created – not...
Oct. 2016
Bon exposé sur l'essor des robots, l'automatisation et l'avenir du travail (Martin Ford) Be sure to read his book as well! What are the jobs of the future? How many will there be? And who will have...
Mai 2016
L'avenir des entreprises : vers une nouvelle relation entre la technologie et l'humanité (6 conclusions clés du futurologue Gerd Leonhard)
We are at a pivot point: humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in the previous 300 years. Below are the 6 key challenges and opportunities...
Janvier 2016
Rushkoff sur l'avenir du travail, l'automatisation et l'OS économique
“we may come to see that the values of the industrial economy are not failing under the pressures of digital technology. Rather, digital technology is...
Janvier 2016
Redéfinir la relation entre l'homme et la machine : chapitre narré du livre "The Future of Business" (vidéo, audio, pdf, traduction allemande)
I am very fortunate to be part of a group of 62 leading futurists that compiled their ideas and visions in the amazing ‘The Future of Business'...
Oct. 2015
A propos des organisations exponentielles (Yuri van Geest)
You MUST read this book. Exponential Organizations – Why new organizations are 10x better, faster and cheaper than yours (and what to...
Septembre 2015
L'avenir de la vie privée dans un monde exponentiel : une courte conversation vidéo avec Yuri van Geest et Gerd Leonhard (TFA présente #10)
Check out the latest TFA presents video below – and be sure to get Yuri's book, as well! Some related ‘privacy futures' – images from...